Tuesday, February 19, 2008

White People Are Like This, White People Are Like That

You won't see two finer paragons of Caucasian Identity than these two pearly-white gems:

1. A pitch-perfect spoof of guilty-white-liberal college kids organizing a Diversity Rally at their school:

The notebook flip @ 2:10 in response to the "brainstorm" is priceless.

2. This website:

Stuff White People Like

It's amusing.

I'm delighted to see caucasian thoroughbreds staring into the abyss and daring to report what they discover about themselves (and with a sense of humor!). Those who we would call the American majority continue to set an occasionally appropriate example for us minori-peeps; I love to laugh at their expense. It's a temporary distraction, like a trip to Vegas put on the credit card, but it does make everything else go down a wee bit easier. Three cheers, YT!


  1. That video was delicious!

  2. Anonymous2/20/2008

    Love that Mos Def is on the list of stuff that white people like. I find he is a good answer for defending hip-hop (if you feel inclined to do so) with elder Blacks as well as mentioning a "rapper guy" that isn't heavily associated with misogyny or violence.

  3. and there's more hilarity--Mos Def is *allegedly a dead-beat dad. But I suppose that's better than being one of those rap guys that gets shot and calls women hos. I'm sure Mos Def would never call a woman a ho. lol. i love it!

  4. But he would star in hipster-dork-culture flicks like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and that possibly not bad Jack Black movie coming out.

  5. Anonymous2/21/2008

    but chubbs, that can't be true...he's so "positive"

    yeah, i'm not buying into the mos def image either.


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