Saturday, December 30, 2006

Yo, What's Up With Coolio These Days?

Saw this pic of Coolio on Steve Aoki's blog, via Blagg and Blue States Lose, and thought it required archiving on TAN. It's so nice how, as we get older, we get more comfortable with showing the world our true selves.

Of course, in hip hop, some are only comfortable with that earlier in life *cough The Game cough*.

Keep it real in the '07 everyone.


  1. Anonymous12/30/2006

    Ha! I love this. Ah, Coolio. Clearly on a fantastic voyage of his own design.

    Love the link to your Almay mask pic. Who knew you were so adorable? Consider bringing it back in '07.

    Happy New Year

  2. Anonymous12/31/2006

    Holy shit. All he needs is one of those little helicopter-thingies on top of that hat.

    Delicious picture, this lightened my foul mood tonight considerably, thanks ever so.

  3. At least he's not wearing an All-Bran cap. And trifocals.

    Getting older is all about saying "who gives a crap" and being yourself. You go, Coolio.


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