Saturday, October 22, 2005

To Do List: 1. Have A Child 2. Blog Bukkake

I was honored to be part of the inaugural edition of blog bukkake over at QWMaine's.

But there's clearly no bigger sign of the amoral blog universe heading towards an apocalyptic conclusion than Mr. Maine having a beautiful child on Thursday. And then kicking off Blog Bukkake Friday the next day.

And no, I'm not going to explain to you what bukkake is. You will have to find out for yourself.

And after you do, please contact social services



  1. Negro-

    For the good of humanity, please cross number 1 off of your to-do list.
    Replace it with something less socially harmful. "Get a vasectomy" for instance. You can even blog about it like this guy.

    Please. For the good of mankind.


  2. Anonymous10/23/2005

    That's not the TAN-man's to do list, it is Maine's and he already checked off BOTH items!! And from what I can tell, both creations look WONDERFUL!!!!!

  3. *feels like idiot.... but still think Negro should heed advice*

  4. Son... I feel so nasty. Like, who looks at their infant daughter and then thinks, "Wow, I can't wait to stand in a circle with some strangers from the internet and sperm-coat something as a team."?

    That's so 90's.

  5. The most decadent part of it all? Women participating actively in the team sperm-coating. Even women who have had babies of their own, bringing it all full circle (jerk).

  6. Hey, even moms have dirty, nasty-sex thoughts.

  7. I had to look at the Wikipedia, didn't I? And now I feel all dirty, and not in a good way.

  8. ...i came across you while blurfing...gawd...that sounds more disgusting than bukkake.

  9. Holy shit-covered Christ!

    For sheer horror the comments shame the original post!

    Can I throw out a Dirty Sanchez, perhaps a Hot Carl, just something to bring the Terror Level back to Beige alert?

  10. Hey, even moms have dirty, nasty-sex thoughts.

    I have lost all respect for my mother.

    I'm gonna go cry now.


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