Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Meta Emoticons And Their Meta Meanings

So in response to Chelsea's post, and this exchange I thought it would be wise to offer up some alternative smiley/emoticons. Cause there's clearly some sort of problem, and I suspect it might be that our current emoticons don't convey enough depth to our thought process. Since I've been studying hipsters and their meta-ways, I figured I'd throw out some "Meta Emoticons" that might help deepen your IM and E-mail exchanges.

Dude, this indicates I’m only emoticoning to acknowledge your attempt at humor, and I don’t know why.

Dude, this indicates I’m only emoticoning to acknowledge your attempt at humor.

Dude, the slash represents the ambivalence I feel about expressing an emotion at all. I don’t know whether to smile and encourage or display my true lack of enthusiasm over your recent comments.

Dude, the slash represents the ambivalence I feel about expressing an emotion at all. I don’t know whether to smile and encourage or display my true lack of enthusiasm over your recent comments, and I don’t know why.

Why ask why, you can only ask why.

Why ask why, you can only ask why, why?

Can you believe that not only do I use emoticons, but I still use the wink. People shouldn’t wink in real life, let alone in internet life. UPDATE: Also doesn't it look like I have a fu-manchu or something?

Shit!, Fuck!, Really?, tell me more ...

That wasn’t the real me saying that, it was the idealized version of me that I project as my IM/E-mail consciousness/sensibility/persona.

New Emoticons For Messaging Friends From Work [Michelle Collins]
New Urgent Text Messages [Chelsea Peretti]


  1. Anonymous1/24/2006

    I use this one all the time:


    All too often it expresses my somewhat askance/skeptical/exasperated view of things.

  2. Anonymous1/24/2006

    yeah, I definitely have an idealized version of myself I present. idealized me is awesome.

  3. You should definately grow a fu manchu.

  4. You lost me at "emoticoning!!!"

  5. :-/ is clearly the emoticon that best represents Dick Cheney. He's a muppet gone askew.

  6. I don't think I've ever, ever used a single emoticon.

    I plan on keeping it that way. I prefer text over cutsey little emoticons. Leave them to the teenagers and their msn.

  7. Anonymous2/07/2007

    So what does ^^ mean?


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