So rules can enhance your appreciation of something. They allow you to tab something/someone as genius. And since TAN doesn't follow the typical blogger rules (stick to a niche, clockwork schedule etc) I thought I'd post some of my own "guidelines," thereby allowing me to potentially get lumped in that category
It's a given, since I'm a self-effacing blogger, that I don’t have the talent to be a genius
So here are some guidelines to enhancing your appreciation of the assimilated negro.
1. I censor arbitrarily -- i.e. “rub that f*cking semen all over Dakota Fanning’s young face ni$$a. Oh sugar-honey-ice-tea and fudgesicle pops, here come the cops. We gotta go, just leave her. LEAVE HER!!!”
*sound of advertisers fleeing the building*
I amuse myself when in one place I tell a story about, um, someone doing shrooms and vomiting on a girl's vagina. And in another place I refrain from typing all the letters in the word sh*t. You should be amused too. Say it with me now, HAHAHAHAHA THAT IS PURE GENIUS. I think this is representative of my feelings on censorship. *the crowd oooohhhs* It’s arbitrary, and kind of silly in a way.
2. I often think in black and white. When I see a subject all the black jokes come cascading, and all the white jokes come cascading. The asian and "others" jokes don’t overflow in the same way. Also I’ve just had more opportunities to reach a comfort level with both Negroes and Caucasians. But Asians I still sort of feel I could get a ninja star to the throat if I say the wrong thing. *TAN slumps over and falls dead from apparent neck injury*
3. I’m having a hard time figuring out the intelligence of my audience. Actually, it’s probably more about me having a tough time digesting the fact that I’m not the smartest kid in the room (just one of them). Point being, sometimes I want to be idiot-inclusive, and I might do something like link to a picture of Beyonce, or the definition of philosophy. Sometimes these are just jokes. Whatever you think puts me in the best light, that’s what I intended.
4. --Rule Deleted--
5. All my posts contain triple entendres. So you're advised to read them again and again until you find the extra layers of meaning.
6. I take requests and tips. Always need fodder, since I’m some sort of weird combination of insular recluse and one-track-minded extrovert. Hit me at theassimilatednegro [[[at]]] gmizzy [[[dot]]] cizzy. This e-mail address is idiot-exclusive, I hope.
I'll add more rules/guidelines as I figure them out ...
that picture is hilarious TAN.
ReplyDeletei like your arbitrary censorship.
good to know the rules around here.
I hate when I forget to link to the ol' boarding alma
ReplyDeleteWallingford baby!!
Rules or no rules, TAN is a genius.
ReplyDeleteAs proof, I offer a comment he posted on the copyranter's blog last November. To wit:
"The Nanny 'Loquesha' is kidnapping your overpampered seed and holding it for a cash reward."
I rest my case.
Advice on being "idiot inclusive"...
ReplyDeleteShoot high. Those who get it will get it, and those who don't will pretend to.