And before it even arrives and I watch it I felt I had to pay respects to my fellow brother, my fellow negro-at-arms, my assimilated homey ... Anthony Hopkins.
See he and I both know one thing:

For those who don't know, Anthony Hopkins plays a black man in the movie. And now that I get a good look at him, I'm kind of surprised Sir Hopkins hasn't been featured in a Spike Lee Joint yet. Maybe he could play Jackie Robinson, if that's still in the works. I'd also love to hear how many times he's been pulled over by the police while driving ... probably happens every day.
When looking for images of my darkie-doppelganger, I couldn't decide which pic he looked most black in. These were the other top two candidates:
When looking for images of my darkie-doppelganger, I couldn't decide which pic he looked most black in. These were the other top two candidates:

I'm growing my hair out like this over the winter. It's all about the dreads.

[ insert your own TAN-style negro-in-jail joke here]
Glad you pointed this out. I remember when the movie came out, the filmmakers made a point of saying they weren't even going to use any special makeup or anything on Sir Anthony. Just let his natural blackness shine through, I guess. Cuh-razy. At least Wentworth Miller, who plays the young Coleman Silk, is half black. But there's the drawback that he looks exactly nothing like Anthony Hopkins. (Do one's lips really thin that way as one ages? Hmm.)
ReplyDeleteGotta say, I'm loving the site. As quite the assimilated negro myself, I find myself simpatico with your worldview. And your raps are great. Keep up the good work.
Yeah, any part that could go to a half-breed (or even a full-breed) always goes to a whitey. European Jonathan Pryce as a Eurasian in "Miss Saigon." Part-Indian Ben Kingsley as Gandhi (sure, he's a fine actor, but was there no one in all of India who wanted the part?)
ReplyDeleteRemember Jennifer Beals? Biracial hottie in "Flashdance" back in the day? My friend's dad was intrigued by her beauty and olive complexion and determined that she must be Lebanese. Yes, "Beals" sounds very Arabic, doesn't it?
Brother Anthony Hopkins takes the cake, though.
ReplyDeleteHello there - found myself at your blog while reading Latigo Flint's craziness.
ReplyDeleteHa. Love this post. Anthony Hopkins is such the actor. I can't wait to see The Human Stain for myself at your recommendation.
For fun, I sent Hopkins an invitation to my wedding this summer. His lackey sent me this response and I was so amused!
Human Stain was such a washed out movie...Sir Anthony shined in it with all his wordiness and posturing. Don't see the TAN connection though. I do believe he is not of the human race though, and is probably still married to a man.
ReplyDeleteSurely nothing can top Hopkins' Othello.... Yeech.
ReplyDeleteWhat's so hard to believe? Check out the Black Mayor of East Orange New Jersey...He look realllyyy white.